
    ‘YOM KIPPUR’ translated as 'a Day of Atonements' Yom HaKippurim [Leviticus 23:26 - 32] falls on the eve of September 27th.

    It is the only Day the LORD commanded His people to Fast. During the Temple period, the focus of ‘Yom Kippur' was to cleanse the Sanctuary from the people’s sins and the contaminations accumulated there by the means of the substitute animals that were offered there. These are taken away by the Azazel - translated as the scape-goat, to the wilderness. John the Immerser (Baptist) gives us a hint of the Ministry of Yeshua by pointing His connection to the Festival of the Passover and Yom Kippur as it is written in the Gospel of John chapter 1:29 saying: ...Behold! The Lamb of God, taking away the sin of the world!