"...that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
John 3: 15-16
Messages from the Bema

The Relevance of the Egyptian Plagues - Part II
- Speaker
- Dr. Michael Wodlinger

What Shavu'ot means in the 21st Century Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - June 11, 2016
How do we face persecution? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - June 04, 2016
Have you been persecuted for your beliefs about Adonai Yeshua? It has been suggested, if we haven’t been persecuted or been discriminated against, there’s something about our walk of faith which isn’t right. How true that statement is, is debatable. In this week;s message, Michael Wodlinger discusses issues focused on persecution for one's beliefs. -
Submitting to Authority Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 28, 2016
In this age of personal freedom and the belief in free speech, how much sense does Yahweh's command to us to submit to authority make? Indeed, many, if not most of us, believe we have the right to trash any politician, government authority, even bosses, who do not hold our views of the world and how it should be run. In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger explores the biblical imperative to submit to our authorities, no matter who they are or their political stripes. -
Life is Hard - Trust Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 21, 2016
Through his fascination of the transformation experienced by Shimon-Kefa, the Apostle Peter, Michael Wodlinger has been led to explore the teachings of this bold and compulsive fisher-of-men. In this week's message, entitled, Life is Hard - Trust, Michael focuses on 1 Peter 1:6,7.
The Sin of Peter Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 16, 2016
Even though Shimon-Kefa, the Apostle Peter, became one of the boldest of Adonai Yeshua's disciples, there was a time when his all-too-human nature betrayed him and led him to betray His Messiah. In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger explores the character of Shimon-Kefa and tracks how he came to this position. -
Why Do Good People Suffer? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 07, 2016
This past week, we commemorated Yom Hashoah, the Day of Destruction, Holocaust Memorial Day. Each year, as we remember and cry out, Never Again! We can't help but also agonize over the suffering of innocents around the world. This begs the question: Why would a loving God allow innocent people to suffer? In this week's message, Michael addresses this issue. -
The Meaning of the Resurrection Today Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - April 30, 2016
Last Shabbat, Michael shared with us how Adonai Yeshua suffered, in order to give us His bridal gift - Eternal Life. In this week's message, Michael explores the vital question, of what value is the Resurrection of Adonai Yeshua to us, in the 21st Century. -
The Sacrifice of our Pesach Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - April 23, 2016
On this, the 1st Day of Hag HaMatzo, the Festival of Unleavened Bread, and the 2nd Day of Pesach, the Commemoration of His Sacrifice for our Salvation, we return to the essential message - if we do not understand the cost of His Sacrifice for us, we really don't get it. Michael explains why this is so. -
The Sin of Martha Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - April 16, 2016
This week, Michael Wodlinger begins a new series of teachings focusing on the sins which often afflict believers. This week's message unpacks "The Sin of Martha." -
What Purpose the Sacrifices - Part II Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - April 09, 2016
Last Shabbat's message focused on the Guilt and Sin offerings. In this week's message Michael Wodlinger reviews other offerings, which were offered to Yahweh. Unfortunately, we were not able to record the message. As a result, what you will hear is a recording from the offices of the Winnipeg Messianic Centre. We apologize for the reduction in quality. -
What Purpose the Sacrifices - Part 1 Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - April 02, 2016
Reading from Leviticus, we may get the impression that biblical Judaism relied on the guilt and sin sacrifices for salvation. Nothing could be further from the truth. In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger discusses the true intent of the animal sacrifices for guilt and for sin. -
The Coincidences of Purim Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 26, 2016
How is it possible for Hadassah (Esther) a shy beautiful Jewish girl to be the hero of her people? In this week's message Michael Wodlinger explores Yahweh's mighty hand in the unfolding of the events of Purim. -
Is Violence in the name of Religion Warranted Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 12, 2016
The question asked for centuries, if not millennia, is violence in the name of religion ever justified. This question is more complex than it appears. In this week's message Michael Wodlinger addresses the question which has vexed believers and theologians.
How is our Temple Restored Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 05, 2016
In last week's Parashah we read about the effort which went into the construction of the Tabernacle, while Israel wandered the wilderness. Since then, there have been two Temples constructed and destroyed. We know the Temple is now within every believer; does our Temple need Restoring? In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger explores the need for Yahweh's Temple to be restored. -
The Work of the Body Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - February 27, 2016
Are we, the Body of Messiah, corporately responsible for what our congregations and fellowships do or do not do? In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger addresses this question, referring to evidence from both the Hebrew and Apostolic Scriptures. Your feedback is always welcome. -
We are Temporary Aliens in the World Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - February 20, 2016
In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger explores what it means to be Temporary Aliens in the world - being in the world rather than being of the world. -
Lessons from Yitro Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 30, 2016
Does Yahweh use those of the nations to fulfill His purposes. In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger explores the wisdom Yahweh gave to Yitro (Jethro), Moses' father-in-law, to make His work for Yahweh more effective. -
What does it mean to have a Child-like Attitude - Part 1 Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 09, 2016
In Matthew 18, Adonai Yeshua teaches us our need to be like children, before we can enter the Kingdom. In this week's message, Part I of II Michael Wodlinger explores the elements of a Child-Like attitude.
Our Gifts - Our Curses Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 02, 2016
How is it possible for the gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit of the Living God, to become our curses. In this week's message, Michael focuses on the need to be humble in the exercise of our gifts; otherwise they have the potential of becoming our curses. -
I am My God Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - December 12, 2015
With this provocative title, Michael Wodlinger begins a re-examination of the prevalent philosophy of our age - secular humanism - the religion of our age. -
Does Yahweh Violate His own Laws? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - November 28, 2015
Throughout Scripture (Hebrew and Apostolic), the miracles of our Holy God seem to alter and even change the physical laws of nature. Is it possible.God does violate His own laws? In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger explores the question, Does Yahweh violate His own laws? -
Did Adonai Yeshua Walk the Earth Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - November 21, 2015
In our examination of prophecy, we cannot ignore the question Did Adonai Yeshua, the Lord Jesus, actually walk the earth and were the wonders attributed to Him in Scripture real? In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger explores both Hebrew Scripture and extra-biblical, historical sources to address this question. -
I Am The Way and The Truth and The Life Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - November 14, 2015
John 14:6 is one of the most often quoted verses from Scripture; I wonder if we understand how deep its meaning is. In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger digs into four levels of understanding of Adonai Yeshua's words to us, in John 14:6 - I Am The Way and The Truth and The Life. Please let us know how this message impacts on you. -
Does Israel Matter Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - October 31, 2015
Even today, in the 21st Century, there are those who claim Israel is irrelevant in God's plans. Listen as Michael Wodlinger weighs in on this issue - Does Israel Matter, using passages from the Hebrew Scriptures only. -
Justice - A Character of Yahweh Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - October 17, 2015
Over the last year, Michael Wodlinger has been sharing with us characteristics of our Beloved Yahweh. Today, Michael discusses Justice. -
Sukkot Message Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - September 26, 2015
What do we have to look forward to, as we draw closer to the end times and what does the Festival of Sukkot have to do with this? Michael Wodlinger explains the importance of the Festival of Sukkot, in light of the End Times. -
Do Not Covet Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - September 19, 2015
Finally we have reached the 10th Commandment, from the heart of Torah - The Ten Commandments. Michael Wodlinger explores what it means to covet and why we must avoid being pulled into the trap of covetness. -
Yom T'ruah Message - Why do Believers Observe Yom Teruah Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - September 13, 2015
This is the Season of Repentance. Believers have been forgiven of their sins: why would we observe the Festival of Yom T'ruah? Michael Wodlinger explains why Yom T'ruah is relevant to this day. -
Guest Speaker - Yuri Hooker Listen
September 12, 2015
"Who will you be?" was the question posed today by our guest speaker Yuri Hooker. Inspired by the renewal of the covenant given Moses between God and the children of Israel as they stood on the threshold of Canaan (Deut 29:9-30:20). Yuri weaved in Isaiah and Paul's expansion of Moses' words (Is. 61-62 and Rom. 10-11). He explored the theme of the covenant curse and blessing for both Jews and Gentiles throughout the centuries and shared what all three biblical authors had to say about the role each of us has to play and our ultimate destiny in God's eternal kingdom. -
9th Commandment -- Do Not Lie Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - September 05, 2015
Why is the world today fueled by lies; why is it so difficult for those in power and authority to tell the truth in all circumstances? Why is it often difficult for Believers to avoid telling lies? In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger explores Yahovah's 9th Commandment, Do not Lie. -
What is Baptism Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - August 29, 2015
On Shabbat, 29 August, 2015, 14 Elul 5775, we held our service at Grand Beach, Manitoba; this is the place where we traditionally hold our Mikveh services. Michael Wodlinger explores the origins and the Hebraic meanings of Baptism. -
8th Commandment - Do Not Steal Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - August 22, 2015
There is a common assumption amongst Believers non-believers, who are heavily invested into the desires of the flesh, steal in order to satisfy their desires; what is not so readily assumed amongst Believers is the understanding many Believers also steal, without really being aware of their sin. Listen to this week's message as Michael Wodlinger unpacks the 8th Commandment. -
7th Commandment - Do Not Commit Adultery Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - August 15, 2015
In today's society of impermanent relationships, there is great pressure on married couples to stay together. How does Torah's 7th Commandment, Do Not Commit Adultery, help believing couples navigate through the trials and pressures of marriage in the 21st Century? -
Sixth Commandment - Do Not Murder Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - August 08, 2015
In Torah, Yahovah commands us to Not Commit Murder. Is there a difference between murder and killing? How does this command affect us today, in ways we may never have considered? Listen as Michael Wodlinger explores the commandment to No Murder. -
Honour your Father and your Mother Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - July 10, 2015
Parashah Balak - Numbers 22:2 - 25:9 Listen
July 03, 2015
Keep the Day - Shabbat Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - July 03, 2015
For whom has the Sabbath Day been created? Who created the Sabbath Day? Who has been given the right to change the Sabbath Day to any other day of his or her choosing? Listen to this week's message, as Michael Wodlinger explores what is meant by the 4th Commandment. -
Praise and Worship Listen
July 03, 2015
Do Not Take the Name of Yahovah Lightly Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - June 27, 2015
We understand and expect the world of flesh to curse & blaspheme, as there is little to no respect for the Holy and Sacred; however, we do not expect Believers to take the Name of Yahovah lightly and, yet, many do, in ignorance. Listen as Michael Wodlinger explores what is truly meant by "Taking the Name of Yahovah Lightly". -
Adonai's Patience has Limits Listen
Dan Riedner - June 20, 2015
We know Yahovah is patient with His people but even His patience has limits. Dan Riedner explores this understanding with us, in this week's message. -
God of Beneficient Order Listen
Ron Hooker - June 13, 2015
Yahovah is a God of Order; but what does this mean for us today? Ron Hooker shares with us an exploration of the impact on us of having a God of Beneficient Order. -
Praise and Worship Listen
June 06, 2015
What Commands - Love Yahovah with all your heart, soul and might. Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - June 06, 2015
What did Adonai mean, when He said, Love your God with all your heart, soul and might? Michael Wodlinger unpacks this Life Instruction, within the context of Torah. -
Praise and Worship Listen
May 30, 2015
Dispensationalism II Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 30, 2015
In this second part of a multi-message series, answering the question: who should follow what of Torah, Michael Wodlinger focuses on moderate dispensationalism and critiques the positions held about the relationship between Israel and the church and the role of God's Life Instructions, found in Torah, today. Your feedback is encouraged. -
Praise and Worship Listen
May 23, 2015
Unpacking Shavu'ot Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 23, 2015
As we celebrate the Pilgrimage Feast of Shavu'ot, Pentecost in the Anglicized Greek, we are commemorating the giving of Torah, Yahovah's Life Instructions, both at the base of Mount Sinai and at Solomon's Colonnade, outside the Temple in Jerusalem, some 2500 years later. The parallels are too striking to ignore. Listen as Michael Wodlinger shares 'Unpacking Shavu'ot' with us today. -
Praise and Worship Listen
May 16, 2015
Michael's Theological Journey - Stop One - Dispensationalism Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 16, 2015
I have come to understand I am not able to adequately delve into the issue of who should follow what until I have dealt with the roots of who has been following what. The first step on this journey, then, is the theology of dispensationalism. -
Michael's Theological Crisis Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 10, 2015
Michael Wodlinger has chosen to share with his flock and with those listening to this message, from other flocks, for two reasons. The first is transparency. Michael promised transparency in both his life and his teaching. The second reason is witnessing. Many others have experienced similar theological challenges and have not shared them with others; thus, the opportunity for growth has been lost. Please listen as Michael shares with us his Theological Crisis. -
Praise and Worship Listen
May 09, 2015
Parashah Emor (Speak) Leviticus 21:1 - 24:23 Listen
May 09, 2015
Saving a Life is more Important than Following Torah Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 02, 2015
Mini-teaching from this week's Torah portion -
Facing our Jerichos Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 02, 2015
When we face barriers and obstacles in our lives, how do we approach them? Do we try to overcome them with our "brute force"? If they seem impossible to conquer, do we avoid confronting them at all? In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger relates our life barriers to the Jericho faced by the Israelites and their reliance on Yahovah. -
Compromise - Temptation & Dangers Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - April 25, 2015
Our world today runs by compromise; are you able to visualize what our economy would be today without compromise? And what about our legal system? Yahovah does not compromise and He warns us, through Scripture, of the dangers of being tempted into compromising His principles in our lives. -
Our First Step - Courage and Boldness Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - April 18, 2015
Who takes the first step, when we respond to Yahovah's call? In this week's message, Michael Wodlinger focuses on taking our first step into courage and boldness. -
Praise & Worship Listen
April 11, 2015
The Meaning of the Resurrection for us Today Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - April 11, 2015
Do we understand how important Adonai Yeshua's Resurrection for us in the 21st Century? Listen as Michael Wodlinger discusses the significance, the necessity and the urgency of His Resurrection for us today. -
Souls of the People Cut Off Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 28, 2015
Is there a difference between being cut off from Adonai's people and our souls being cut off from His people, when His commands are not obeyed? -
Anchored in Yahovah's Promises Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 28, 2015
Is there risk in obeying the commands of our Mighty Yahovah? Michael Wodlinger, Spiritual Leader of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach, the Messianic Fellowship of Messiah, explores what it means to be anchored in the Promises of our Beloved God. -
Parashah Vayikra (He Called) Leviticus 1:1 - 5:26 Listen
March 21, 2015
What Purpose the Sacrifices Listen
March 21, 2015
Praise and Worship - Shabbat, March 21, 2015 Listen
March 21, 2015
Mark 7:19 - Making Foods Clean Listen
March 21, 2015
Passion for Yahovah Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 21, 2015
Do you have a passionate heart for Yahovah, our Living God? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares with us what it means to have a Passionate Heart for Adonai Elohim, the Lord God. -
Trustworthiness & Prayerfulness - Qualities of a Godly Person Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 14, 2015
As believers in Adonai Yeshua, the Lord Jesus, we are growing closer to His image of godliness. In this first of a series of messages on Qualities of a Godly Person, Dr. Michael Wodlinger explores two of these qualities - Trustworthiness and Prayerfulness. -
Praise and Worship - March 7, 2015 Listen
March 07, 2015
The Message of Purim for us Today Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 07, 2015
Most of us understand the story of Purim, the Festival of Lots, as a story of the triumph of good versus evil, of the pure soul versus the wicked soul, but do we all understand how relevant this story is for our time? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explores the relationship between our time and the story of Purim. -
Praise and Worship Listen
February 28, 2015
Our Needs to Move Forward Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - February 28, 2015
Why are you receiving this message, if you are not a member of The Fellowship of Messiah; we are a transparent Body of Believers and our growth trials may be a blessing to others. We pray you will receive this message in the light it has been sent to you. -
Parashah Tetzaveh (You are to Order) - Exodus 27:20 - 30:10 Listen
February 28, 2015
We are His Children Listen
Dr. MIchael Wodlinger - February 21, 2015
Do we really understand how deep and broad Yahovah's love is for us? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explores how beneficial is our love relationship with the Lover of our souls. -
Parashah Terumah (Contribution) Exodus 25:1 - 27:19 Listen
February 21, 2015
Sh'mitah - Part II Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - February 14, 2015
Recorded from the Bema of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach, February 14, 2015. -
Praise and Worship - February 7, 2015 Listen
February 07, 2015
Forgiveness Listen
Anita Marcotte - February 07, 2015
Do we truly understand what forgiveness is? Listen as Anita Marcotte shares with us the Hebraic understanding of forgiveness and its implications for us today. -
Parashah Yitro (Jethro) - Exodus 18:1 - 20:23 Listen
February 07, 2015
Sh'mitah Year - Part I Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 31, 2015
The Instruction was given for the observance of the Sh'mitah Year almost 3,000 years ago. Why is it not followed today? And what are the consequences if not followed? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explores, in Part 1, an understanding of Sh'mitah and its observance in Israel and around the world. -
The Relevance of the Egyptian Plagues - Part II Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 24, 2015
The Egyptian Plagues happened over 3,000 years ago. Of what possible relevance could they have for us today, in the 21st Century? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger continues the exploration of the relevance of these ten plagues for us. -
The Relevance of the Egyptian Plaques Today - Part 1 Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 17, 2015
What possible relevance would an occurrence over 3,000 years ago have on people of the earth, today? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares with us Part 1 of this two part message - The Relevance of the Egyptian Plaques Today. -
Parashah 15 - Bo - Come Exodus 10:1 - 13:16 Listen
January 17, 2015
Recorded from the Bema of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach, Fellowship of Messiah - January 17, 2015. -
Praise and Worship Listen
January 10, 2015
Recorded from the Bema of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach, the Fellowship of Messiah. -
Drash - Dr. Michael Wodlinger Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 10, 2015
Drash - Kevin Deck Listen
Kevin Deck - January 10, 2015
Joy - A Condition of Our Hearts Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 10, 2015
How to infuse our lives with joy? Is joy a gift from Yahovah or is it up to us to obtain joy? Listen to this week's message as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explores Adonai's gift of joy to those who seek His heart. -
Parashah 13 - Sh'mot - Names (Exodus 1:1 - 6:1) Listen
January 10, 2015
Parashah 13 - Sh'mot - Names (Exodus 1:1 - 6:1) -
Parasha 12 - Vayechi - He Lived (Genesis 47:28 - 50:26) Listen
January 03, 2015
Hospitality - a Great Command Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 03, 2015
Are we showing hospitality to others, as Yahovah wishes us to show? Listen to this week's message, as Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares with us, God's understanding of showing Hospitality and why this is considered to be a Great Command. -
Are We Our Own Temples - Our Own Gods - Hanukkah Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - December 29, 2014
So many today, who have not embraced Adonai Yeshua, the Lord Jesus, as their Saviour and Lord, are walking the pather of destruction, thinking they are in control of their own destinies. Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explores the current thinking focused on Secular Humanism - the religion of the New Age. -
Discernment in Decision Making Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - December 06, 2014
One of the most important qualities of a good decision is the use of discernment in its creation. Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explores Discernment in Decision Making. -
The Value of Silence Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - November 29, 2014
How important is silence to our spiritual development? Listen, as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explores the value of silence in our developing relationship with HaShem, our Beloved God. -
Teachings from Dr. Michael Wodlinger and Anita Marcotte Listen
Michael Wodlinger and Anita Marcotte - November 22, 2014
Teachings from Dr. Michael Wodlinger and Anita Marcotte. -
Are We Worthy to be Saved? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - November 22, 2014
Is it our responsibility to make ourselves worthy of being saved? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger discusses this major difference between Rabbinic and Messianic Judaism. -
Proud and Blind Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - November 15, 2014
What can we learn of the effects of pride of ownership from Hezekiah and his son Manasseh? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares Adonai's message to us today - Pride and Blind? -
Are We Becoming a People God Wants a Relationship With? - (Part 1) Listen
Steve Berkson - November 08, 2014
Are We Becoming a People God Wants a Relationship With? - (Part 2) Listen
Steve Berkson - November 08, 2014
Torah Service - November 8, 2014 Listen
November 08, 2014
Praise and Worship Listen
November 08, 2014
Who is Messiah? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - November 01, 2014
In this our second teaching of the foundations of Messianic Judaism, Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares with us the biblical basis for understanding who our Messiah, Adonai Yeshua, really is. -
The Delight of Torah Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - October 25, 2014
Are we, Messianic Jews and Gentiles, to follow Torah today? What about the claim "Grace has cancelled the Law? Listen to Dr. Michael Wodlinger as he shares God's Word with us today. The Delight of Torah. -
Our Relationship with God's Plans Listen
Ron Hooker - October 18, 2014
Do you believe it is possible to have a relationship with God's plans for us? Does a potter have a relationship with the clay he moulds? Listen as Ron Hooker explores this week's focus - Our relationship with God's Plans. -
The Beautiful Deceit Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - October 11, 2014
The Anatomy of Temptation Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - September 13, 2014
Many of us understand what temptation does but do we truly understand how temptation functions. Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares with us the three stage process of temptation in this week's message - The Anatomy of Temptation. -
Our Relationship with the World Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - September 06, 2014
We all were born in and of the world. When we became born-again believers, there was an expectation we would separate ourselves from the world of sinners and align ourselves with Adonai's world of the righteous. How difficult is it to live within the world and not be of the world? Listen to this week's message, as Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares with us how we may flourish within the world while resisting being of the world. -
August 30 - Praise and Worship lead by Ron & Helen Hooker Listen
August 30, 2014
Amalekites among us Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - August 30, 2014
How is it possible for the adversary to attack or even influence us, if he has been defeated? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares with us HaShem's message - Amalekites among us. -
August 23, 2014 - The Moravcik Family Listen
August 29, 2014
Relationship with His Word Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - August 16, 2014
Do we have a relationship with His Word? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explores Our Relationship with His Word, the first in a series on Our Relationships with our Beloved Abba. -
Individual and Corporate Responsibility - Where are We Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - August 09, 2014
August 9, 2014 - Parashah 45 - Va'etchanan - I pleaded Listen
August 09, 2014
Israel, Hamas and God's Word Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - August 02, 2014
What has happened to the usual rational, sane response people have for conflicts between peoples? Has the world gone insane? Listen to this week's message, as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explains the current situation in Israel. -
Memorial Service for Valentine Reinhold Wagner Listen
Dan Reidner - July 19, 2014
God's Covenants Listen
Ron Hooker - July 19, 2014
The Theology of Water Listen
Ron Hooker - July 12, 2014
July 5, 2014 - Drash - Michelle Riedner Listen
Michelle Riedner - July 05, 2014
July 5, 2014 - Drash - Michelle Riedner -
July 5, 2014 - How does Adonai Use Evil for Good - Dr. Michael Wodlinger Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - July 05, 2014
Following this Shabbat's reading of Balak attempting to curse Israel, comes the message - How does Adonai Elohim use Evil for Good? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares with us why our beloved God uses evil for His good. -
June 28, 2014 - Children's Blessing Listen
June 28, 2014
Where us our Passion? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - June 28, 2014
What role does passion play in our relationship with the Ruler of the universe and the Lover of our souls. Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger asks the question - What would we want to do, in full passion, for God's Kingdom, before we die? Recorded from the pulpit of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach, 28 June, 2014. -
June 28, 2014 - Torah Service - Parashah Hukkat Listen
June 28, 2014
Is Anger Sinful? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - June 21, 2014
Torah Service - June 14, 2014 Listen
June 14, 2014
Our Plans. God's Plans. Our Choice - June 14, 2014 Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - June 14, 2014
Children's Blessing - June 14, 2014 Listen
June 14, 2014
Shavuot - Praise & Worship Listen
June 07, 2014
Annie Moravcik's Bat Mitzvah Service Listen
June 07, 2014
Shavuot Service - June 7, 2014 Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - June 07, 2014
Difficulties of Messianic Belief Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 31, 2014
Recorded at the Bema of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach, the Fellowship of Messiah. Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explains why some people experience difficulties being Messianic Believers. -
Why Gratitude Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 24, 2014
Are We Receiving God's Blessings? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 17, 2014
Israel in God's plans for the End-Times Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - May 10, 2014
As we know there is a disagreement about God's plans for Israel, in the End Times. Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger explores Adonai's message to us of His plans for Israel, recorded from the Bema of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach. -
Covenantal Love Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - April 28, 2014
How does Adonai Elohim, our Lord God wish us to come before Him? Listen as Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares with us how Adonai desires us to come before Him with Agape Love, Covenantal Love. -
Our Passover Lamb Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - April 22, 2014
Recorded from the Bema of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach, the Messianic Fellowship of Messiah, 450 Lilac Street, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, 19 April, 2014. -
Adonai is our Shield in Battle Listen
Daniel Riedner - April 08, 2014
Listen as Daniel Riedner shares his understanding of Adonai Elohim Tzivaot being our Shield in times of Spiritual Warfare. -
Who is the Greatest? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 29, 2014
Walking with or ahead of God Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 22, 2014
The Message of Purim Today Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 15, 2014
The warning which came to Esther and Mordechai of the impending genocide of the Jewish People, in ancient Persia, is alive today. Dr. Wodlinger's message this Shabbat warns us of the spirit of Haman existing amongst us even today. -
Our God of Wonder Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 12, 2014
Listen, as Dr. Michael Wodlinger presents his understandings of Adonai Elohim as a God of Wonder and how members of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach relate how our God of Wonder has touched their lives. -
Prayer and Obedience Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - March 01, 2014
Love Honours Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - February 22, 2014
What does "love honours" really mean? Join Kehilah Haverim Mashiach as Dr. Michael Wodlinger delves into this most important aspect of God's love for us. -
Gentile Believers and Torah Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - February 15, 2014
Avinu Malkeinu Listen
RIchard Toviah - February 11, 2014
This is Richard Toviah's second message to Kehilah Mashiach. Hear Richard sharing his heart with us. -
The Double-Edged Danger of Torah Observance Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - February 01, 2014
When is it dangerous to be too observant of God's Life Instructions? In this message from the Bema of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach, Michael Wodlinger discusses the danger of legalism in Torah observance. -
Why Torah Today? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 25, 2014
In this age of relative truth and easy morals, is there a need for God's Life Instructions, His Torah? This week's message then, addresses the question, Is there need for God's Torah today? -
Is Israel really God's Chosen People? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 18, 2014
It is difficult to believe, in 2014, we are still debating the reality of Israel being God's Chosen People. This message is intended to help put this debate to rest, at least in the community of Kehilah Haverim Mashiach. -
Are we to Believe Blindly? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 11, 2014
In this week's Parashah, we read of the countless times the Israelites failed the test of emunah, trust in action. Time and time again as we have and will read later, the children of El Shaddai lacked the faith required of them. As we shall read, even Moshe succumbed to the frustration of the moment and lacked sufficient faith. And this brings to my mind the question of how much faith ought we to have? Should we have blind faith in Adonai Elohim? And then comes the inevitable question, How Blind is Blind Faith? -
The Plagues of Adonai - Egypt and End Times Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - January 04, 2014
Are there similarities between the plagues of Egypt, as outlined in Exodus, and the plagues of the end-times, detailed in Revelation? In this week's message, Dr. Michael Wodlinger shares with us his understandings, derived from Scripture, of the relationship of these two sets of plagues. -
Who is our First Love? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - December 28, 2013
Listen to the Confirmation of His Love for us. Explore the understanding Adonai Elohim Tzivaot, Lord God Almighty, is our First Love. -
Ya'akov's Blessings to His Sons - Part One Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - December 14, 2013
As with much of Scripture, both in the Tanakh and in the Renewed Covenant, each verse often has a double meaning and Ya'akov's blessings to his sons are no exception. Here we read of both immediate and far future double-sided blessings. As Ya'akov himself said, "Gather yourselves together, and I will tell you what will happen to you in the acharit-hayamim, the end of days." This Shabbat message focuses on the first six Ya'akov's sons and his blessings to each. -
Why are we here? Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - December 07, 2013
Adonai Elohim gives us all opportunities to serve Him in individual and unique ways. Are we ready and willing to accept His calls? What may block us from hearing and moving forward? -
Dedication Service Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - December 07, 2013
Comprehending the Mind of God Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - November 16, 2013
Integrity - More than Honesty Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - November 02, 2013
Negotiating in God's Faith Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - October 27, 2013
God's Remnant Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - October 19, 2013
Adonai Odaid - The God Who Encourages Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - October 12, 2013
The Kingdom of Heaven Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - September 28, 2013
Blessed is The Name Listen
Dr. Michael Wodlinger - September 07, 2013
" I do not set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died in vain." Galatians 2:18
"But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter." Romans 7:6
"If you believe indeed in the Lord Jesus for the salvation of your soul, if you walk uprightly and do not regard iniquity in your heart, if you continue to wait patiently, and believingly upon God; then answers will surely be given to your prayers." - George Muller
"Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor." Galatians 3:24