The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. - 2 Timothy 4:18

    Our Core Values


    We value unity within the body of Messiah, and we desire to dwell together in one accord. Ephesians 4:3, 11-13; Psalm 133:1; Colossians 3:13-14

    Since we are a Messianic Jewish congregation, our services follow the general Jewish liturgy similar to that practiced by the believers and early disciples of Yeshua (Jesus) HaMashiach in the 1st century, with the freedom of the leading of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we adhere to Biblical kosher observances in our congregational functions and in accordance with general Jewish practices. However, every individual has the freedom to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in their own private life.

    For your family

    We believe that the family is the foundation of society. Our desire is to help your family be healthy and flourish in your relationship with each other. We see children as treasures from Adonai (THE LORD) and we provide an environment where they can thrive and grow in their walk with Yeshua (Jesus).

    Our Relationships

    Relationships are built upon mutual love, accountability, and commitment. We have been called to be a community of believers who are not to use, exploit, manipulate, deceive, or coerce one another. Instead, we value the opportunity to build up, encourage, support, and celebrate one another.

    Marriage and the Family

    We value traditional marriage of one man and one woman, strengthening their covenant with each other as husband and wife. We do not believe in divorce except on account of adultery or mental and physical abuse. These matters will be addressed and considered by the counsel of leadership or elders with the hope of reconciliation. Our desire is to help families grow to be strong and healthy. It is our aim to provide a support system for families and individuals who are facing trials.

    (Matthew 19:1-9; Psalm 127:2,3; Proverbs 24:3,4; Ephesians 5)

    Our Stewardship

    We acknowledge God as the source of our talents, giftings, and finances, and that He has entrusted these to us that we may be partners with Him in accomplishing His purposes. We are called to be faithful stewards of these resources in order that we may support the effective functioning of the kehillah, including the support for workers, orphans, widows, and the needy in the kehillah and in Israel. Therefore, we heed God's instruction to give to Him the full tithe and to give to the needy as expressions of our love for Him and for our neighbours.

    For our Community

    As a Messianic Jewish congregation in the Winnipeg area, we are in a unique position within our city to build unity and cooperation between the Jewish and Christian communities. Our aim is to be a light to the Jewish people within Winnipeg and to share the truth that one does not cease to be Jewish nor does a non-Jewish person start being Jewish because of their faith in Yeshua (Jesus). Moreover, our goal is to help clarify and correct the misconceptions regarding the divine calling and role of Israel in God’s plan of the redemption of the world.

    For Israel

    We stand in full support of Israel both in faith and action. We pray continually for our people in the Land and are actively building connections with several organizations within Israel who are involved in important ministries to the Jewish people. We believe in God’s promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that:

    “I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by you all the families of the earth will be blessed.”

    (Genesis 12:3)