
    • Kehilat Haverim Mashiach (Friends of Messiah Congregation)
    Yom Kippur

    ‘YOM KIPPUR’ translated as 'The Day of Atonement' (Lev. 23:27-32).
    In the Hebrew Bible; TANACH it is called 'Yom Hakippurim' - literally it means:  “The Day of Atonements or Covering.” It is the only Day the LORD commanded His people to Fast. It is another chance to return to God and obey the Torah (the instructions of God).
    However, during the Temple period the focus of ‘Yom Hakippurim' was to cleanse the Sanctuary from the peoples sins and the contamination accumulated there by the means of the substitute animals that were offered there. These are taken away by the Azazel (translated as the scape-goat) to the wilderness. (Yochanan / John 1:29...Behold! The Lamb of God, taking away the sin of the world!). This is the Day we are coming to GOD Face to Face, to be reconciled with Him through the Mediator and the Sacrifice (Kaphar), therefore our names can be inscribed in the Book of Life.